My Story

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Hello friend. 

My name is Angie

I am grateful you found your way to my story. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am many things in my life. I am a mama, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend.  I am a SPACE HOLDER. I am a Witch.

“I am a witch, by which I mean that I am somebody who believes that the earth is sacred, andthat women and women’s bodies are an expression of that sacred being.” – Starhawk

My re-membering began a handful of years ago at a retreat in Maui. I spent a week gathered in a safe, sacred space with other women. No phone. No TV. No kids. No husband. Only me to focus on. It was actually uncomfortable at first. Foreign really. But as I settled in it felt amazing. I had never gathered with other women in this way. I had never taken such deep care of myself. It felt empowering. It was life changing really.

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That week set me on a path of self discovery and ignited a spiritual awakening in me. That path has been long and winding with plenty of up and downs. That path led me many places. Most importantly it led me deep into myself connecting with my spirit, my intuition. I found my own inner GPS.  This discovery left me feeling more grounded and more me than I had ever felt.

As I came to know myself on a deeper level I began to re-member my deep need for connection with myself, other women and the earth. As women the need to be in community with other women is buried deep in our DNA. Our culture has not nurtured this but there is something magical and powerful about it.

This renewed knowing has led me to want to share these gifts with other women. I have come to understand that the most impactful gift I came to this earth with is my ability to hold space for others. To provide a safe space for them to open and share. To be held and heard in a new way.

This is what I choose to do through Reiki and intuitive energy work. Through women’s Sharing Circle’s. Retreats and personal mentoring.  There is really nothing in my life that lights me up the way this work does.  It nourishes and feeds me in a way nothing else ever has.  I want every woman to feel lit up and turned on to their own journey.

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Witnessing women walk through the process of becoming and re-membering is one of THE most beautiful honors I have had in my life. I am so incredibly grateful to have found my way here.

Will you join me on this journey? Are you ready to feel more grounded, connected and whole?

I would love to talk with you about what that might look like. Email me at