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Inspired is a deck of cards with divinely channelled messages intended to create a ripple effect of love and kindness in our world.

First, let me say thank you for your interest in Inspired. This is a project of my heart. An idea that came to me a handful of years ago and has continued to show up in my thoughts and on the pages of my journal. Seeing it come to fruition is a birthing of sorts.

There have been a couple different inspirations and influences behind my desire to bring these cards into the world. The first was years ago when Danielle Laporte first created Truth Bombs. I remember receiving my deck and almost immediately feeling called to give them away. I traveled a lot for work and I would bring them with me on trips. I would deposit the inspirational messages on planes, in airport bathrooms and in my hotel room when I left. I always imagined that those messages made it to just the right person at just the right time.

The second influence was my friend Sherri Hayter. She told me about a passion project of hers where she finds pieces of driftwood near her home in the Pacific Northwest and paints inspirational messages on them and then leaves them for others to find. Trusting that just the right person will see the message they need to see, when they need it most. Her project was born from a personal experience in which she was gifted the inspirational message, “You are not alone”, just when she needed it most.

After hearing Sherri’s story and remembering back to how much I loved dropping those Truth Bombs, the idea began to percolate in my heart and on the pages of my journal to create my own deck. That very morning when the idea came I wrote down over 40 messages that I could share.

It was one of those moments when the words poured out of my pen. One of those moments when I realize I am not really writing my own thoughts, but channelling something from a source much greater than myself that wants to materialize in this world. And so, Inspired was born.

The purpose of Inspired is to offer everyone the opportunity to share kindness and love in the world and to then give others the chance to pass that along. My dream is for these cards to make there way all around the world delivering messages to those that need to hear them. One of the beautiful and powerful parts of the process is the opportunity to allow your intuition to tell you when and where to leave a particular message. It is by allowing ourselves to listen for and follow through on our own intuitive thoughts and feelings that we strengthen our relationship to our own spirit and that which is greater than our material selves.

We live in a world that is connected in so many ways, but yet disconnected in many others. I travel for work and observe that many of us, myself included at times, are lost in the world of our phones, computers and tablets. Disengaged from those around us. Connection is necessary for our well being. Knowing we are not alone is incredibly healing and powerful. How amazing would it be to leave the right message at the right time for just the right person? It might brighten their day. It might change their life. And all you have to do is deposit the card when and where you feel called.

It’s magic really. How many people could be touched by this? How far could these little messages travel? These are the questions I sit and ponder as I create these cards and begin sharing them as I travel.

I am considering having decks printed that others could purchase, write their own inspirational messages on and pass them along. If you would be interested in one, you can email me via the link at the bottom of the page. I would also be most grateful if you send me pics or messages when you pass a message on. I would love to see how far and wide these messages travel. If you pass one along and would like to post on your social media you could use #inspiredcards and tag me so I can see too!

Thank you again for being witness to this journey.

Love, light and shadow.


An example of one of the cards

An example of one of the cards